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Men's Aid and Health

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. It usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs for many years.

Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK's top priority is funding research to stop prostate cancer killing men. We’re investing millions to find better treatments and better tests that can spot fast-growing cancers early, and could be used in a screening programme to save thousands of lives.
0800 074 8383

Orchid Fighting Male Cancer

Every year over 50,000 men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate, testicular and penile cancer. Of these men over 47,000 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, over 2,400 will be diagnosed with testicular cancer and over 630 will be diagnosed with the rare penile cancer. Sadly, these numbers are increasing. (Figures Cancer Research uk; 2014).
0808 802 0010

Testicular cancer: The life-saving lowdown

You’re about to discover the single most important fact about testicular cancer that you (probably) didn’t know. This fact is good news. You see, in the battle of man vs cancer, we’re all a lot stronger than we might think. The one stat you should take on board, and never lose sight of, is this: More than 98% of men who get testicular cancer will be cured.
0117 324 3472

Respect Men’s advice line

Are you being abused? Have you changed the way you behave because you are frightened of your partner’s reaction?
0808 8010327